Exploring how Entertainment is Going Digital

In the last few years, entertainment giants such as Apple and Disney have woken up to the revenue potential of the streaming service market that Netflix has long dominated. They’ve directed huge volumes of capital in their quest to seize market share, with Disney’s streaming business alone now worth a staggering $100 billion.

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Vector vs Pixel based art, Which Should You Choose?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes your logo looks pixelated when enlarged? Have you ever tried to edit your logo colors and shape to fit brochures, business cards or website unsuccessfully? Well, looks like you’ve been working with pixel based art or what we simple refer to as: raster images.

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5 Steps to Come up with Creative Ideas Under Pressure

For creatives, our ideas are our business. A question we often need to address to ensure career success is: how do we make sure we continually and reliably come up with the goods? What if I told you that there is a proven method that greatly increases your chances of producing great new ideas?

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Seven Golden Digital Marketing Tips

Marketing for small businesses is difficult. Knowing what to do or where to start can be overwhelming and confusing.

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7 Tips to Create a Memorable Slogan

What makes a slogan memorable? If you’re creating a new slogan for your business or product, you want something that represents your brand and is easy to remember.

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Search Marketing Reporting: 8 Metrics Clients Actually Care About

Do you produce search marketing reports for clients? Many agencies and Internet marketers deliver a summary of performance for PPC and SEO on a weekly or monthly basis, but who decides what data goes into these reports, what metrics to include, and which graph to use to visualize the data?

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7 Steps to Stay Friendly: Mobile Optimization & Google Algorithm Change

Your website needs to be mobile-friendly since more than half of all global web traffic comes from mobile devices.

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The Best SEO Tools to be Used

In the blink of an eye, new tools come and go. There are a million out there, and most new and experienced SEOs are always asking – what are the best tools out there? Which tools are definite “must haves” and which should I shelve?

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Building the Digital Marketing Agency of the Future

Less than two years ago on Search Engine Watch Uri Bar-Joseph offered up a list of seven things that search marketing agencies would have to consider to ensure future success.

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5 Ways to Use Your Competitors to Gain SEO Momentum

SEO seems like a solitary endeavor to many people. After all, most companies have one person or one small team dedicated to producing content, making onsite tweaks, and building external links, but the reality is that SEO actually relies on a vast network of relationships for success.

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