11 Important SEO Experiments You Need to Know About
If you work is involved in the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or you are an online business owner, then you are probably aware of the fact that SEO cannot be viewed as an exact science. The Internet is subjected to a constant change, and you simply need to adapt your knowledge and techniques with its ongoing development. This article will provide you with 11 experiments of that have been tested for their SEO efficiency – we will tell you which techniques are successful and which are less effective.
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Tips for E-commerce Websites
E-commerce websites are rapidly increasing in order to accommodate the diverse needs of a growing e-clientele. More and more people are noticing that purchasing from the web saves both time and money and as a result the e-commerce community is becoming more and more competitive.
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The importance of social signals for your SEO
There are more than 200 ranking factors that affect –directly or indirectly- your rankings on search engines. Epigrammatically, some of these factors are the keywords in URLs, the title tags, the heading tags
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Hints and tips for a successful PPC campaign
You don’t have to be an online marketing genius to know the basics of PPC – the name itself, ‘Pay Per Click’, sums up the concept fairly effectively.
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Are You Layering “SEO”? You Should Be!
SEO isn’t what it used to be.
Ten years ago, an SEO specialist might spend 40 hours a week on keywords, title tags and content manipulation. Nowadays, he or she must possess a much broader skill set and think far more strategically
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