Smartify Technology LLC
UCT of course welcomed Smartify’s request and began creating the company profile page by page, giving each one the attention it deserves and even extra. Making use of the correct font-style that will clearly represent the image Smartify wants to convey. Going for an approach that will make the profile convenient to read and browse through, both online and offline, UCT made sure the design and layout were cleverly crafted for this purpose. The final deliverable consisted of 13 pages and now Smartify includes the whole profile uploaded on their website for viewers to read.
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Iconic Events
The design team who worked on the profile made sure to incorporate the spirit of the company when designing its layout, colors and deciding which fonts to be included. The included information were all written by UCT’s creative content writers after thorough competitor research. UCT made sure for the profile to be as comprehensive as possible, without becoming overly lengthy.
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TAC TAZ Logistics
UCT employed its long years of experience in building a company profile that not only contains the required content in a perfect mix of professional and creative designs but also mirrors the respective company’s brand and image. UCT provided TAC TAZ with a comprehensive but also not overly lengthy profile as to not scatter the reader’s thoughts. The right amount of content was included to precisely convey what TAC TAZ was looking to include, while paying special attention to placing designs and spreading out the written text in a creative and appealing manner that, giving the profile a smooth flow.
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Mohammed Mustaqeem General Trading (MMGT)
UCT had proposed to take on the task of creating a company profile that will meet MMGT’s requirement and clearly display the quality of their work through text and eye-catching images. The main factor that set UCT’s work apart from the rest was how UCT managed to keep the profile precise and to the point without overly extending the number of pages.
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Hader Security & Communications Systems
UCT had worked closely with HSC to provide a profile that is well-structured, presentable and encompasses HSC’s identity, making sure all the written content and included designs were specifically custom-made for HSC. Each service was detailed in a neat and tidy manner and included designs flowed smoothly, giving it an attractive look and also made it easy on the eyes to read through and find exactly the services the reader would want to know about.
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United Quarries (CP & Presentation)
It was more than thrilling for UCT team to begin working on United Quarries’ request and they wanted to prove to UQ team that they had made the right choice. After completely studying and understanding the client and the competition, UCT began with writing the content for the profile.
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PINKWAY Car Rental
Pinkway’s profile was designed with an obvious emphasis on the pink color, and this was behind the philosophy that the color pink signifies happiness. UCT created the designs, background and the overall identiy of the profile and copy wrote the content that were both original and inspiring. With a special request from the client to keep the profile brief and precise, UCT worked with extra care to include the right amount of information that can be conveyed within a brief profile, without losing its overall meaning.
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Cartoon Fashion Group
Cartoon Fashion’s team was very impressed with UCT’s efforts in sections of the profile were highlighted, the manner in which the client’s sub-brands were presented and the other design elements that were incorporated in the profile.
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AARTI Project Management
UCT combined the hard work and dedication of the content writing and graphic design teams to yield the best results in constructing a company profile that was clearly customized and tailored specifically to AARTI. UCT filled the profile with engaging and attracting content that will attract readers at a glance and also keep their interest going as they read.
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Gulf Gate Contracting (Arabic & English)
In order to prove to Gulf Contracting that UCT carries the necessary talent to begin working on the requested company profile, they first presented Gulf Contracting with a report of research and analysis done. This act had pulled Gulf Contracting to indeed seek the help of UCT for carrying out this task.
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