8 Reasons You Need an SEO Content Strategist

Content is the new SEO” has been one of the resounding slogans guiding marketers in 2014. As you know, it’s not just enough to churn out content — writing about whatever is on your mind…

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Social signals & social media presence

Social signals play a significant role on Search Engines Rankings as an effective link building method whilst data deriving from social media is largely used by Search Engines.

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How to effectively combine SEO and PPC

The most common way to optimize your website’s web marketing strategy is either by utilizing SEO or PPC (for this article when it comes to PPC we will refer to Google Adwords and vice versa). The paradigm that the majority of web marketers have been using is an alternate model of using either SEO or PPC when the campaign goals aren’t achieved.

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Ten simple SEO optimisation tips

(SEO) is the holy grail of a perfect website. Although your site may look good, function well and provide all the information needed, if it can’t be found online then it is wasted. Take a look at our top ten tips to optimising your content for maximum effect.

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Avoid These 5 SEO Faux Pas

You may have read our posts praising the virtues of creating engaging content, and heard us extol the importance of responding to reader or customer feedback and making appropriate adjustments.

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6 Tips to Creating an Ideal Landing Page

Having a well-designed landing page will go a long way when it comes to bringing in conversions. You could have the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t communicate that effectively, you could be missing out on new business.

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3 Easy Ways to Increase Site Conversions

Whether you’re looking to convert blog or website visitors to subscribers or prospects to clients, working to increase conversions on your site is never a wasted effort. Here are three easy ways to optimize your site in order to do just that.

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7 Tips for Online Content Creation Success

Online content creation is not just about flexing your grammar muscle and sporting how skillful you are with the use of words. The goal of all the content published online is to engage readers in a way that they feel encouraged to take some specific action

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Check Your website rank on “Alexa” : SEO Tool

An awesome tool launched by Amazon,you can check your website rank easily “what is current and exactly rank”,Alexa is a popular source of Internet traffic statistics, because it is easy to access and to use.

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Website Launching? 20 Must Follow (SEO) Tips for Website Launch

Thinking to launch an online start-up business, perhaps, and you thought of making that business from an idea you just thought of over the shower and now it’s coming true

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