Why design & profits go hand in hand!
People don’t take advantage of your offers because they don’t trust brands they haven’t heard off – the solution? Online marketing – get your brand identity and offers out there!
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9 more reasons to market via SMS
Reach and speed – your SMS is sent to a countless number of people at the same time and wherever your client may be in the world, he will receive your message almost instantly, and all of this at a low cost.
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How to measure mobile analytics
The use of mobile devices is increasing at a fast-paced rhythm. The countries with the highest smartphone penetration are the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Also, the amount of tablets exceeds the number of PCs per person in the world.
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Benefits of ecommerce websites for consumers
E-commerce has been with us a long time now. It has improved its payment gateways and it has completely changed e-commerce consumer experience. And with the smartphone market booming, a new branch of e-commerce emerged – mobile commerce.
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Mobile branding strategy
As the number of mobile users is growing, there are great opportunities for mobile marketers and advertisers to communicate and expresses themselves in a new way to this audience. Helping users to identify with a brand by letting them to interact with interesting content and share it with their friends lets advertisers create powerful brand followers.
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Online advertising how to
Nowadays your company is nothing without online advertising. Companies create websites, place banners on different popular websites, position their website and create fan pages on Facebook, Twitter or other social networks.
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Simple Mobile Payment for Airlines
The extremely high usage of mobile devices exploded last year, now mobile internet traffic is quickly overtaking desktop internet. Smartphones allow consumers to always be one click away from their next purchase no matter where they are.
Can companies and brands rise to challenge and cash in on t
Read MoreSocial media networking in 2014
In 2013 we’ve seen incredible novelties in the social media sector, starting with the consolidation of Pinterest as referent traffic source to the great boost of Instagram as a platform that creates brand awareness, Twitter’s IPO (initial public offering) or LinkedIn’s content strategy changes and their new showcase pages for businesses.
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Conversion in social media and SEO
With more and more people today surfing the net every day and communicating online through social networks, these have become an essential part of any online business.
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Mobile marketing sales strategy
The truth is that everyone likes to follow trends, either people and businesses. So they have to adapt themselves to what is coming.
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