For every online marketing campaign, there are some key elements to be addressed. It’s always great to try out new campaigns, but having a framework in place will make sure you have a gameplan so you know how to improve your success for the future.
Create a mobile website
Consumers expect virtually every business to have a Web presence these days, and it won’t take long before they feel the same way about the mobile web. People want to find whatever they want to know at any time. So if they go onto the mobile Web, you want them to find you and your business.
Mobile Search
Mobile search puts your mobile Web site within reach of your customers so they can find you when they are looking for your company or what you offer. Much like desktop search optimization (doing what you can to be listed closest to the top of theresults on a search engine), mobile search is important to your marketing.
Social Networking
Social networking is all about people connecting with other people. Keep this in mind when deciding what to do to facilitate or participate in social networking. Also, social networking will likely be a tool for marketing your mobile campaign.
Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising, placing either graphic banner ads or text ads on mobile Web sites other than your own, is an excellent mobile marketing tool. It is easy to think of mobile advertising as the perfect tool for brand awareness because it is that and so much more. Be sure to add the next step of direct response to your mobile advertising campaigns.
Mobile Publicity
In mobile publicity, your target audience is the media: journalists, reporters, bloggers, and producers who are looking for an expert or a source of information for a current assignment with a fast approaching deadline. If they are searching for sources via mobile, it is likely a breaking story or very timely, or otherwise they would do the search from their desktop computer.
Create a landing page
Landing pages can be used for PPC ads, mobile app downloads, promotional campaigns and more. But don´t forget aboutoptimization that is intended to boost conversion, improve quality scores, and provide a better user experience. Make it mobile friendly .
Use QR codes
These paper-based hyperlinks connect the physical world with the online world. For marketers, QR codes allow advertisements, brochures, posters – even clothing or billboards – to direct users to mobile landing pages that contain much more information and interactivity than can be afforded on the printed page. This integration between print and web via mobile adds a new dimension of communication to any marketing or outreach effort.
Messaging apps for marketing
Mobile messaging apps make it more convenient and more fun for consumers to chat with friends and relatives than the messaging tools that come pre-installed on most smartphones. Such messaging apps are already extremely popular internationally so retailers can download one of the popular messaging apps and begin to experiment with ways to add in-app marketing to their mobile strategies.
If you are ready to start a mobile campaign or are just learning where to begin, choose text messaging. It is the most common use of mobile devices (besides calling), and more and more people launch text message campaigns every day. Text messaging is the “now” marketing tool of mobile.
Proximity Marketing
Any time you are marketing to someone specifically because they are in your proximity, you are involved in proximity marketing. This could be a Bluetooth campaign.
Bluetoooth devices are invited to accept a multimedia message to their devices or are reminded to check into their location-specific mobile network (read more about an intresting proximity marketing solution -iBeacon- here).
Mobile marketing works. You are savvy enough to have recognized that. By including these key elements to your campaign, you will find that you are also savvy enough to write mobile success story by yourself on your own mobile website. So it´s just one more reason to create it right now if you don´t have it yet. Because all the elements of a successful mobile marketing campaign you´ve read about are strongly vinculated with your mobile web and online presence.
By : lia