Tips for E-commerce Websites

E-commerce websites are rapidly increasing in order to accommodate the diverse needs of a growing e-clientele. More and more people are noticing that purchasing from the web saves both time and money and as a result the e-commerce community is becoming more and more competitive.

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The importance of social signals for your SEO

There are more than 200 ranking factors that affect –directly or indirectly- your rankings on search engines. Epigrammatically, some of these factors are the keywords in URLs, the title tags, the heading tags

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Hints and tips for a successful PPC campaign

You don’t have to be an online marketing genius to know the basics of PPC – the name itself, ‘Pay Per Click’, sums up the concept fairly effectively.

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Are You Layering “SEO”? You Should Be!

SEO isn’t what it used to be.

Ten years ago, an SEO specialist might spend 40 hours a week on keywords, title tags and content manipulation. Nowadays, he or she must possess a much broader skill set and think far more strategically

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