4 Beginner SEO Tactics You Have to Know

Before you continue reading further, you should first have a clear understanding of what search engine optimization (SEO) is before diving into the tactics to implement it.SEO  can be described as “the practice of improving and promoting a web site in order to increase the number of visitors the site receives from search engines” (Moz). Make sense?

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Why email marketing is 40 times as effective as social media

Coming back to the office after an extended break usually involves spending at least a few hours sifting through your email inbox, deleting spam and responding to urgent queries. In amongst those emails are no doubt a large number of emails from companies trying to sell you something.

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Both B2B customers and Google value technology PR – shouldn’t you?

In this age of content marketing, search marketing and digital storytelling, it is perhaps easy to overlook the value of ‘traditional’ technology PR . Especially when customers and prospects face being overloaded with information as an increasing number of companies look to tell their brand stories and promote their technologies and services through the creation of more and more content.

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3 Secrets of Link-Building

Bloggers use links for multiple reasons, such as:

Directing readers to external sources.
Building up a sense of authority.
Giving the content more substance.

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Google Update to Have Profound Effect on the Way Some PR Agencies Work

The fallout from Google’s latest search engine algorithm update, Google Panda 4.0, continues unabated. The newswies have been the most recent casualty to emerge from this latest “content update” that targets content Google perceives to be ‘low quality and thin’. According to research conducted by Barry Schwartz, PRWeb, PR Newswire, Business Wire and PRLog lost between 60% to 85% of their SEO visibility overnight!

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Six Differences Between Customer-Focused Companies and Operations-Focused Companies

Some companies really understand customer service. They know how to hire for it, train for it and deliver it. Other companies claim to give customer service, but in reality, they are grounded in an operations mentality with rules and policies that allow for little flexibility, preventing them from being anything more than just average or satisfactory.

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How to Find Opportunity in a Paid Search Strategy

While SEO techniques are highly useful for organic searches, which in turn can drive a large amount of traffic to your site, the opportunities with paid search can be optimized to allow you to micro-target prospects and consumers.

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Today’s Marketing Keeps Customers Coming Back

Traditional marketing was used to get customers “in the door.” But today’s marketing keeps customers coming back. It’s more than a marketing message. It’s a marketing experience.

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Email Marketing: Write a Subject Line that Delivers

Nicolas Cage had 60 seconds to steal a car. You wish you had half that long to get someone to open your email. In truth, most readers will give your subject line less than 3 seconds before they decide to delete or open.

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How to Create an Email Campaign that Converts

Have you started an email marketing campaign for your business yet? Are you worried you might spend hours at your computer trying to figure out what to write?

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