8 Small Tweaks That Can Deliver Big Link Building Results

About this time every year I reflect on my progress thus far and start thinking about what I want to do differently in the second half of the year.

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Social Media Data Mining

So you have business on Facebook or Twitter; maybe also. But just having different profiles isn’t enough. The essential key to success is how effective they are. Below you will see some tools you can use to measure how engaging your social media presence is.

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Social Media Advertising

Social media today is an accepted part of a company’s marketing: about 70% of companies have a Facebook page and up to 80% a Twitter account. The average Fortune 500 company spends $19m on social media a year. Social media marketing is art that with the right solution can increase much your sales and revenue.

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Improve your SEO with Social Bookmarking

Bookmarking your favourite websites can be very useful if you want to review them later or save them in case you need to use them. But what is social bookmarking? It’s basically a more public version of bookmarking.

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Mobile Marketing Strategies

Text Message Marketing: SMS
Today it is one of the most invaluable solutions to marketers: high read and engagement rate, low price. These tips will help you on your way to success:Delivery rate tells you how many messages were delivered, if the rate is late, cleanse your list of customers.

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Mobile Marketing Metrics

The best way to know if your mobile marketing campaign is working is to analyze its key areas and identify the key metrics. It will help you to improve your future campaigns.

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Marketing technology in 2014

If you work on a marketing department for sure your daily life is full of things to do; and most of the days you don’t have enough time to do everything you should.

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9 Reasons Why Blogging Is Essential To Good SEO Results

Understanding SEO isn’t easy, and Google doesn’t help things much by changing the algorithms and policies on regular occasion. Seems like every time we get a handle on things, the rules change, and we’re all left wondering what we’re doing wrong and what we might still possibly be doing right.

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SEO Practices at the Local Level Can Yield Huge Results

For businesses with multiple locations, chances are, you’re probably already experiencing how challenging it is for your marketing campaigns to make headway. Fortunately, for SEO, there are solutions that can really drive your efforts

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12 Tips To Smart Social Selling

These are self-promotional messages: “Check out our product!” and “Here are five reasons our product is great!” If you don’t put yourself in the shoes of your prospect or customer, then you neglect their point of view and how they’d be receptive to your messages. Your customer doesn’t want to know 10 reasons why your product is better than everyone else’s.  They’d rather have an ebook on ten ways they can do their own job better.

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