4 Major Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Exposure by Using Facebook

The marketing world as we know it changed forever with the emergence of Facebook as a tool for ecommerce marketers to communicate — in real time and in two directions — with their customers.

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4 Critical Steps In Tracking Facebook ROI

We get it: Facebook is a powerful marketing tool that helps you reach the masses. Or is it? You probably spend at least five hours per week on your social media marketing, and that’s only if you’re a very small business with little customer interaction

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On-Page and Off-Page SEO Must-Haves for Ecommerce

Google’s quality guidelines change so rapidly that keeping up is hard to do. Matt Cutts and his spamfighters are at it every day to make sure consumers have quality search experiences.

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Successful Subject Lines Deconstructed

Sentence diagramming is the bane of every school kid, and it’s promptly forgotten the moment class is over. You don’t need to delve into the darkness of your youth, but to help illustrate how to create a successful subject line we’re going to break it down, old school.

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Google’s New SEO Friendly Image Format: 6 Things You Should Know

One of the most difficult roadblocks to overcome in ecommerce is the page-load speed. Studies show most visitors will leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load.

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Google Announces New “Starfish” Algorithm Update for Ecommerce SEO

Once upon a time, businesses hoping to boost their SEO rank could perform any number of tricks, up to and including link spamming. Google cracked down on the practice with the intention of improving the surfing experience for all involved.

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A (Brief) Study of Google’s Lesser Known Ranking Factors

The world’s largest* infographic hit the web a few days ago, the subject of which caused heads to spin.

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How To Use The Marketing Funnel For SEO & Inbound Marketing

This month, I’m going to discuss content marketing strategy as it relates to search engine optimization. A lot of businesses get this wrong by focusing too tightly on the sales parts of the marketing funnel.
With PPC, Money Buys Placement

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SEO Should Not Be Held To An ROI Target — Here’s Why

Anyone who invests dollars into a marketing channel is expecting to see a return on investment (ROI) from that marketing channel.

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How To Use LinkedIn As A B2B Link Prospect Development Tool

It’s no secret that LinkedIn is widely considered one of the top social media platforms for B2B marketers.

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